The Holy Martyrs

Zinais and Philonilla

(October 24, October 11 old calendar).

The Holy Martyrs Zinaïs and Philonilla were sisters born in Tarsus, kinswomen of St. Paul the Apostle. As virgins, they scorned the world for the sake of Christ and withdrew to a cave to leave in asceticism. They were skilled in medicine, and helped many of the sick. Philonilla especially, for her great fasting, was made worthy of the gift of wonderworking. But unbelievers fell on them one night and stoned them to death.

Troparion, Tone l

Sisters in the flesh and united in the Spirit,/ you wrestled with the prince of evil and endured your martyrdom./ Holy and blessed Zinais and Philonilla,/ pray to Christ our God to save our souls.

Kontakion, Tone 3

Bright mirrors of virginity,/ radiant with your martyrdom,/ you fill the Church with light and dispel the darkness of evil,/ Zinais and Philonilla,/ Christ's precious jewels. 


Holy Protection Russian Orthodox Church

2049 Argyle Ave. Los Angeles, California 90068


(zinais _philonilla.doc, 08-15-2000)